Thursday, July 19, 2018

07/17/2018 - We Are Striving to be the Best Finders This Mission Has Seen

Well hello everyone.

This week was crazy. Seems like last Pday was a month ago. But we did a lot of stuff this week. Last tuesday we went on exchanges. So I got to be in Wildwood area again, which covers downtown calgary. Super cool. We got to go past the stampede grounds and holy cow that is a huge event! There are so many people there it was crazy. But the stampede is officially over now. Then we just worked hard all week. 

Saturday we had our stampede breakfast, so we got to cook pancakes and sausage for a ton of people, that was fun. Our new investigator came, she seemed to enjoy it. Then Sunday night we did a special BYD with all the youth in both our wards. We did a face to face thing with them and brought President Keung and SIster Keung and helped answer questions the youth had about missions, missionary work and just about everything in between. It was a great way to introduce our new mission President to the ward and encourage those there to share the gospel! Also as a result our bishop invited us to do a 5th sunday lesson about social media missionary work. So things are going good! It was a lot of fun. 

Then we had Zone Conference Yesterday. It was great to get some good training. We are really striving as a mission to find more people to teach. The reason is, our mission is really good about getting those we teach baptized. We have a higher percentage than most missions of people being taught actually getting baptized, but we aren't finding as many. So we are striving to be the best finders this mission has seen. So it's exciting! But that is about all I got.We are working hard and doing lots of good. I love this gospel! 

Oh and to update on our investigator, we were able teach her and give her a book of mormon, but we are going to pass her off to the Mandrin speaking missionaries because we think she will progress better with them.

Elder Ollis

07/17/2018 - A guy in our ward is a fishing guide.  He gets to fly fish 6 days a week!

07/17/2018 - Lambo of the Week

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