Wednesday, January 16, 2019

01/16/2019 - You Know We Will Keep Going

Well hello everyone. 

Man time is flying, because it is another pday and I only have one more pday to go. So to update you on the week. It was a blurr. We just worked hard all week. It was nice, we had zone conference monday. It was an awesome conference and had interviews after. It was the last one and I learned a lot. It was super fun and sad to say goodbye to some missionaries I was good friends with. 

Sunday we presented a new missionary challenge to our YSA ward, it was awesome because it was from our bishopric, they are the best! We also had 2 cool miracles sunday. We had been working with a member family named the Olivers, they are so awesome. Anyway they sent in the name of a lady during stake conference and they have been making steps. Invited her to meet missionaries and pray for a week and we heard that she was praying and she told the Olivers she has felt relief since she is praying. It was super awesome! And another lady in our ward, sis Hironaka, we met her and her family this week (ok they are all skiers and we got along great) and we asked them who they felt the Lord was preparing for baptism. Well they thought about it and Sis Hironaka talked to us at church and said someone came to mind and she will devise a plan. She said give me two weeks and we will get a lesson. It was awesome! Then Monday to Tuesday I was in Stirling on my last exchange. I was with Elder Moore, he's an awesome guy. Work in Stirling is a little different. Stirling is about 1250 people there and 4 wards. So tons, I mean tons of members. It was a lot of fun we worked hard and we learned a ton. So that was the week in a wrap hope you all have a good week, you know we will keep going. 

Love ya, Elder O

01/02/2019 - Elder Ollis and companion, Elder Session in Waterton 

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