Tuesday, January 15, 2019

01/09/2019 - I Love This Gospel!

well hello everyone,

Solid week up here in the north. Last week I didn't send an email because a group of YSA kids wanted to take me to Waterton before I leave the mission. It was a lot of fun. It was crazy windy and super cold and the whole town is closed for the winter. But it was so beautiful. The water looked like the ocean because it was so windy and the waves were huge. Yeah it was like hurricane speed winds, you could barely get out of the car and if you jumped it would blow you a foot or more. It was super fun. We have some video's but my phone is being silly and I can't send them. But things were great. 

We went up to calgary thursday for MLC, my last one. It was a lot of fun, then we did an exchange with our assistants. It was cool. After that we had another exchange with our district leader out inTaber. I learned a ton, it is kinda sad I only have one more exchange on my mission. It's really sad. But things are going well, we saw some cool miracles and I know it's because of our dilligence. We were able to talk with a member about Blake and set a plan to get him baptized, it won't happen this weekend but we will shoot for the future. But another miracle. Our ward mission leader's daughter got home from the mission last week and asked the granddaughter in that family to meet with the missionaries and be baptized. So we went over for dinner and taught the first discussion and we got permission to continue to teach and she will be baptized! It is exciting! We also found another new person this week, named Gabriel. He was at the lesson with Caroline and we gave him a book of mormon and invited him to learn more. Solid week, keep plugging along and I love this gospel!

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