Wednesday, August 1, 2018

07/31/2018 - The Lord is Helping Us In Each Step of Our Work

Hey everyone. 

Not much to say this week. It was a good week and we had some good things happen. It was rainy all week and blazing hot. No in between. Yesterday it was 32 (89.6 Fahrenheit), then 30 minutes later it was pooring rain and 19 (66.2 Fahrenheit), and 30 more minutes it was 32. So fun week! the weather has been super unpredictable but that is how Calgary is! For all we know it could snow tomorrow!

 But we had a good week,we worked hard. We have been really focusing on contacting our less actives in the wards and getting in to teach. We have had little success in getting in touch but we finally had a miracle saturday. After a long day of grinding, the Lord blessed us with a man who loves missionaries and had a lot of questions he didn't understand. It was cool, he shared with us why he doesn't come to church and made it easy. We are going to go back and  answer some of his questions and hopefully help him come Closer to Christ. 

We also had an awesome lesson with our new investigator. We went over to catch him sunday night and he was there but he had just flown home from San Francisco and got in that day so he said to come over monday. We did and had a great lesson. He had read the book of mormon on the plane and had lots of great questions about our beliefs. One being the Trinity, so we answered the best we could and then we shared Joseph Smith's first vision with him. It was cool, as I finished up teaching him about the experience I asked him how he felt and if that helped and he said, " wow, that answers a lot of my questions. There is a lot stacking up against the trinity huh" It was a super good lesson. We are excited to teach him some more but we also are going to have to pass him off to the YSA missionaries. 

I was pretty happy however, Iately I have been focusing on improving my ability to use the scriptures in teaching. I know the scriptures, I just struggle to find what I need when I need it, particularly in the Bible. I had been working hard to be in them a lot, and any moment we teach by opening them. So it finally paid off, the spirit helped me know what I needed to share and after long hours of working to be better at it I felt I was able to get what I needed from the scirptures in our lesson. It was super cool and I know the spirit helped. But I got a long way to where I want to be with it, so I will keep working hard. But that is all, I know the Lord is helping us in each step of our work, and regardless of what happens, I know he is helping us along the way. Love you all!

07/31/2018 - Some dope house we knocked

07/31/2018 - Lambo of the Week

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