Tuesday, December 18, 2018

12/12/2018 - The Lord Works in Miraculous Ways

Well hello everyone,

So this last week was a good one. We have been working harder and harder. And we saw some cool miracles. First we have seen countless miracles since our stake conference from what we were able to do. It is such a cool experience we were able to be a part of and I would like to share a few. 

First off, our end total of names referred was 110! 110 people that were inspired names to be contacted. It was super cool. But one thing we noticed was people are not afraid to refer someone. Most lessons we go to know we get a name to try after. Which is so cool! So don't be afraid to send a name to the missionaries. Also this one is super cool. Our missionaries and us worked hard all week and organized the names into wards and reported them in ward council so the ward council can make specific direct assignments on how to contact. It was quite the coordination between us and our missionaries, and us and President Stewart. 

Well one name we brought was Mike. Right when I said the name I could see that the bishopric recognized the name and they were interested ( it was clear that they had tried but seemed to be at a dead end) Well, my next comment was that we have had contact with him. President Keung and Sister Keung went and visited him this last week. Apparently Pres Keung had served his mission with Mike's father and his father (from australia) told President Keung to go visit him. Well when I said this everyone was blown away. After Ward council our ward secretary asked us when the Keungs contacted him, so we found out and he told us Mike had text him the next day. Which is a miracle because they hadn't contacted him in a LONG time. It was such a cool miracle! Let's just say there are no coincidences, first that President Keung came all the way from new Zealand to see Mike, second that someone felt impressed to refer him and third that we were able to connect the dots with someone else that talked to him. The Lord works in miraculous ways. We are working on developing this story further but we will let you know how it goes. 

But another miracle this week we were able to begin teaching 4 new people. One already dropped us but we were able to teach Blake finally. His parents are members but are going through some tough times and he isn't baptized. We had a lesson at a member's house and he came and we talked about baptism with Blake ( he comes to church every week). Well we are teaching him now and we are going to hopefully put him on date for the end of December. So pray for us. I am going to cut this short now since we just got a call to go help someone change a flat tire but I love you all. I know this gospel is true and the Lord is at the works. He can help

Elder Ollis

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